We all got a friend, who’s pleasin’
And is both fun and friendly
She is one of the many reason
That makes our college days plenty
She is funny and she is naughty
She even fights with me sometime
But I don’t mind nor does anybody
Because in heart, she is kind most time
She is my caring and loving friend
And so sweet and dreamily sublime
She is one of the best, I commend
That we could ever get in our life
She is kind and helps us in pain
She learns and stays with us folks
She also knows how to entertain
With her fun talk and stupid jokes
She makes our class more interesting
With the things she does until the day end
But no one can blame her for anything
For she is true, a true best friend
About Post Author
Edwin Ronald Lambert
A person who enjoys the serenity of the world and a minimalistic *person who enjoys me-time*. Writer@ edwinsjournal.com / Reviewer@ stackarchives.com