Lone Wolf – Conclusion

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I woke up the next day to see dark clouds accumulated across the blue sky. The soothing wet aroma of rain filled the air. One thunder announced the upcoming of rain. But in our area, a thunder is not only the announcement for rains, but also for power cuts. A person sitting in his room may suffer the hot accumulated air inside even though the outside air is chill and calm.

I sat at the doorstep witnessing the movement of the clouds from below. I understood that air current is truly one miracle. There, in front, is the cool calming breeze chilling me down and from inside, the scorching hot air is making me sweat. Sweating in that, in fact, helped me, get even chiller.

One drop, two drops and many drops more. The rain began pouring in hundreds, no thousands, no, more than that. Rain is always a wondrous sight to behold. I sat there, enjoying the beauty of the forces of nature.

Nostalgia struck me. I remembered the time when I used to go out in the rain along with my brother. The time we bathed, we played, ran along the rain was one of the most memorable time I ever had in my life. Coolness calmed my body as well as my mind. I wanted to relive my memories once more.

I got up and stood in rain, enjoying as the bitter frost surged deep within my body. The utter coldness pricked my body with a deep sensation that I seemed to like. As the rain fell on me, I was feeling as cold as ever. I walked through the rain, gained speed with each step. I began to run, dance, and jump and stood where the raindrop fell hard. Everything seemed to be wondrous at that moment. I felt along with nature. I enjoyed moving my hand along the leaves of the plants on the sides. I stood in between them, with a sense that I too belong there. I was feeling as though I was part of nature, and nature, as a part of me. I felt as one as the chill pricking water cooled me further. I felt lighter. I felt calm as the wet water went all across my body.

The dark clouds began spreading out. The sun’s light shone from between. It gave the sign that the downpour was soon at the end. The sky began taking different colours like drawn by an artist. Dark clouds and white clouds mixed together in the vast blue sky. The clouds reflected the sun’s light and appeared orange. It was truly an artistic sight to behold.

Water droplets fell from the leaves to the ground. Everything in the land was enjoying the chillness of the air. The leaves moved along with the cooling breeze. Birds started chirping. They too may be filled with the joy of rain, just as me. It was truly a boon in this hot scorching weather.

And through that tiny spot in those dark grey clouds, the clouds had separated giving way for the sun to shine forth. And through those moving clouds, the sun appeared as though it was rising again. The clouds started covering the sun on top. Now the sunshine started taking the shape like a fire pyre and that white reappearing clouds looked like the smoke that is coming from that fire surrounded by dark wavy clouds.

That moment I thought of all the wonders that this world has and will explore more about the world I live in.

  2. DAY 1 Read
  3. DAY 2 Read
  4. DAY 3 Read
  5. DAY 4 Read
  6. DAY 5 Read
  7. DAY 6 Read
  8. DAY 7 Read
  9. DAY 8 Read
  10. DAY 9 Read
  11. DAY 10 Read

About Post Author

Edwin Ronald Lambert

A person who enjoys the serenity of the world and a minimalistic *person who enjoys me-time*. Writer@ edwinsjournal.com / Reviewer@ stackarchives.com
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